The Complete Guide of Commercial Energy Audit and How It Can Help Your Business


For energy-conscious business owners, undergoing a commercial energy audit is one of the best ways to identify where your facility might be wasting energy.

Not only can this action save you money in the long run, but it also has fantastic environmental benefits too! If done correctly, an expertly conducted energy audit will provide insight into how much and why your building uses as much electricity or gas as it currently does.

In our complete guide to commercial energy audits, we give you all of the most important information on auditing buildings and understanding their efficiency - from what an auditor looks for during an assessment right through to calculating cost savings - helping you make smarter decisions about managing resource consumption in your business.

What Are Commercial Energy Audits and How Can They Help Business?

A commercial energy audit is an in-depth assessment of energy usage by a business. It gives businesses a clear view of their energy consumption, allowing them to identify inefficiencies and energy efficiency upgrades they can make.

Companies can commission energy specialists to use energy monitoring equipment and set out accurate thermography maps of the building, helping them to evaluate energy usage and pinpoint areas that could be made more energy efficient. By making appropriate energy efficiency upgrades, businesses may significantly reduce their energy costs over time.

This can give them a competitive edge in their industry while also contributing to environmental sustainability goals. A commercial energy audit often pays for itself many times over if implemented correctly, making it an invaluable tool for any modern business.

Purpose Of Conducting a Business Energy Audit

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from conducting an energy audit to identify opportunities for energy savings and reduce their carbon footprint. When bringing in an expert energy auditor, they assess the efficiency of the process and identify which areas could be improved, mainly focusing on businesses' use of electricity, natural gas, and water.

They use professional knowledge and investigate past energy bills as well as other factors like building insulation and equipment condition in order to identify any potential areas of waste or unused energy.

From that information, they can design a plan of action to help a business reduce its overall energy consumption while still being able to provide excellent service, products, or solutions to their customers.

Benefits Of Commercial Energy Audits for Business

Commercial energy audits can be extremely beneficial for businesses looking to save money and reduce utility bills. A professional energy auditors will come in, inspect a business’s energy consumption, identify energy saving opportunities, and provide efficient solutions tailored to the business’s own specific needs and requirements.

These customized solutions may include understanding which systems can be programmed or adjusted to run more efficiently, completing proper upkeep of equipment or making upgrades where necessary, switching to renewable energy sources such as solar electricity, creating better insulation and ventilation of buildings, as well as other various tips and tricks that an energy auditor will provide based on their findings.

In doing so, businesses not only have the opportunity to receive substantial utility bill savings but also do their part in promoting sustainability within their community all while optimizing the usage of existing resources.

What Are Energy Audit Checklists?

A typical energy audit checklist is an invaluable tool for home and business owners who are looking to save on their monthly electricity and gas bills. It is designed to accurately measure the amount of energy used in your home, as well as guide you on how to reduce any unnecessary waste.

Specialists will inspect your HVAC systems and common elements of your home’s exterior, like door seals, window seals, insulation, and any visible areas that may be a source of wasted energy. The inspection also provides you with details regarding appliances or products that create improved air quality while declining the overall bottom line on your energy cost levels.

An energy audit checklist helps homeowners take inventory of everyday household expenditures and opens up possibilities for reduction. And with our current focus on sustainability, it’s an efficient way to trim bills while helping bring about environmental change.

Tips To Conduct an Energy Audit for A Business

An energy audit is an important step for any business to save energy, save money and reduce their environmental impact. Here are some tips to help your business conduct a successful energy audit:

Have a Plan

Before starting the audit, develop a plan that outlines the objectives of the audit and how it will be conducted. Determine areas of focus for the audit and consider who should be involved.

Gather Data

Collect energy usage data from utility bills, existing lighting and HVAC systems, and other equipment in the facility. This will help inform decisions about potential upgrades during the audit process.

Inspect the Building Envelope

The building envelope is the physical area between the interior and exterior of a building. Inspect the insulation, windows and other parts of the envelope to identify areas where energy is being lost or leakage may be occurring.

Monitor Systems

Many businesses have HVAC systems that are old or inefficient. Use monitoring equipment to measure temperature, air flow, pressure drop, and other aspects of the system to get an accurate picture of its performance.

Document Findings

A comprehensive audit should include detailed documentation of all findings, including equipment specifications and energy savings potential. This information can be used to develop an action plan for improving the efficiency of the facility.

Develop a Strategy

Based on the audit results, develop a strategy for improving energy efficiency. This could include upgrading equipment, installing insulation and other measures to reduce energy consumption.

Track Progress

After implementing any upgrades or improvements, track the progress to ensure that they are having an impact on energy usage. This will also allow you to adjust your strategy as needed in the future.

Conducting an energy audit can be a daunting task, but with the right plan and strategies in place, it can result in significant savings for your business. With these tips, you can get started on reducing your energy consumption and saving money in the process.


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